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Tariff classes
The fee category of the vehicle should be established on the basis of official records (vehicle category, maximum authorised mass, number of seats) from the Registration Certificate or other vehicle documents.
Tariff class D1: motorcycles (D1M), as well as vehicles with maximum authorised mass of up to 3.5t – and which can carry maximum 7 people including the driver, and their trailers
Tariff class D2: all the vehicles that do not rank under other tariff classes and are not classified, according to special laws, as being required to pay toll road charges
Tariff class U: Trailers of the vehicles in tariff class D2

Authorised distributor of National Payment Plc
Weekly vignette:: is valid for 9 days from the date indicated by the buyer, in total 10 consecutive calendar days, until the 10th day at midnight.
Monthly vignette: is valid from the first date mentioned by the Buyer, until the same day (according to number) of the next month at midnight. If the expiry month does not contain such a same date, then the vignette shall be valid until the last day of such month at midnight.
Annual national vignette: is valid from the first day of the year in question until the 31st January of the next year at midnight. The annual vignette, purchased during the validity period, gives the right to use the road from the time of its purchase.
Annual county/regional vignette: is a type of annual vignette, territorial, for vehicles of categories D1M, D1, D2 and U, on the basis of which the express toll road network of a county can be used. Several county e-vignettes can be bought for one vehicle. The validity period of such vignette corresponds to that of annual vignettes. Territorial validity extends up to the crossroad established by the legal standard, generally up to the first full crossroad following the administrative border of the county concerned. You can inquire about the territorial validity of county vignettes on