
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme Default locale
- Fallback locales


Defined 0

These messages are correctly translated into the given locale.

None of the used translation messages are defined for the given locale.

Fallback 83

These messages are not available for the given locale but Symfony found them in the fallback locale catalog.

Locale Fallback locale Domain Times used Message ID Message Preview
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 1 app.ui.register Kayıt
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 3 app.ui.rca RCA
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 3 app.ui.vignette Vinyet
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme ro messages 3 app.hu_vignette.hu_vignette Huvinieta
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme ro messages 3 app.ui.nn_insurance Centura de Protectie NN
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 3 app.ui.toll_tax kapsül oranı
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 3 app.ui.license_recovery Ehliyetin geri alınması
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme ro messages 5 app.ui.telemedicine.menu_entry Telemedicină
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme ro messages 3 app.ui.road_assistance Asistență Rutieră
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 2 app.ui.sign_in oturum aç
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 2 app.ui.our_services Hizmetlerimiz
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 2 app.ui.faq FAQ
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 4 Ulaşın
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 1 Arama
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 1 Alışveriş yapmak
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 1 app.ui.my_account Hesabım
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 1 app.ui.products ürünler
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 1 Hizmetler firmaları
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 1 app.ui.call_center Call Center
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 2 sylius.ui.warning Dikkat
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 1 app.ui.cif_code_invalid KDV kodu geçersiz veya bulunamadı, lütfen geçerli bir KDV kodu girin!
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme ro messages 2 app.ui.please_select_a_county Va rugam alegeti un judet
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 1 sylius.ui.it_seems_you_have_an_account_already Görünüşe göre bir hesabınız var zaten
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 1 sylius.ui.login Giriş
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme ro messages 1 app.ui.different_passwords Parolele introduse nu coincid
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 2 sylius.ui.register Üye ol
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 2 sylius.ui.last_name Soyad
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 2 app.ui.first_name Adı
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 2 E-posta
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 2 sylius.ui.phone_number Telefon numarası
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 2 sylius.ui.password Şifre
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 2 sylius.ui.repeat_new_password Yeni şifreyi tekrarla
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 2 ülke
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 1 app.ui.county ilçe
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 2 şehir
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 2 app.ui.street Sokak
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 2 app.ui.number Numara
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 2 app.ui.building Blok
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 2 app.ui.entrance Merdiven
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 2 app.ui.apartment Daire
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 1 app.ui.newsletter_confirmation En iyi teklifleri almak istiyorum. <b>18 yaşından büyük olduğumu onaylıyorum.</b>
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 1 app.ui.natural_person Gerçek kişi
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 1 app.ui.legal_person Tüzel kişi
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 2 app.ui.fiscal_code Vergi Kodu
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 2 app.ui.company_name Firma Adı
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme ro messages 1 app.ui.terms_already_accepted Termeni si conditi deja acceptate intr-o sesiune anterioara
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 2 app.ui.terms_and_conditions Şartlar ve Koşullar
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 1 app.ui.personal_data_protection kişisel veri koruma politikasını kabul ediyorum
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 1 app.ui.terms_data_agreement Şartlar ve <a href="/tr/info/termeni-si-conditii" target="_blank">Şartlar ve Koşullar</a> ve %personalDataProtection.
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 2 app.ui.about_us Hakkımızda
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 1 app.ui.company_services Hizmetler firmaları
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 1 app.ui.rovignette_online Vinyet çevrimiçi
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 1 app.ui.vignette_europe Vinyet Avrupa
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 1 Tanıtma
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme ro messages 1 app.ui.scala_pay_locations Locatii Scala Pay
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 2 app.ui.scala_assistance Scala Assistance
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 1 SRL
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 2 app.ui.legislation Mevzuat
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 1 app.ui.download_vignette indir Vinyet
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 1 Güvenlik
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 1 app.ui.gdpr Veri koruması
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 1 app.ui.consumer_protection Tüketici koruması
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 1 app.ui.iso_9001 ISO 9001 sertifikası
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 1 app.ui.cookie Cookie
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme ro messages 1 app.ui.baar_rca Termeni si Conditii Asigurari & Petitii
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 1 app.ui.useful_info Faydalı Bilgiler
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 1 app.ui.how_much_vignette Ne kadar maliyetleri çizim mi?
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 1 app.ui.vignette_alert Uyarılar vinyetlerin
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 1 app.ui.webmaster Webmaster
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 1 app.ui.carrier Kariyer
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 1 app.ui.client_black_list Kara liste müşterileri
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme ro messages 1 app.ui.informations_and_articles Informatii si Articole
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme ro messages 1 app.ui.press_releases_archive Arhiva Comunicate de Presa
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme ro messages 1 app.ui.exchange_rate Curs valutar
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 1 Güncel Haberler
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 1 app.ui.newsletter_subscribe Bültenimize abone olun ve <br/> ve yollar, vergiler ve sürücüler için diğer önemli şeyler ve daha fazlası hakkında en son haberleri ilk siz öğrenin.
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 1 app.ui.email_address E-mail adres
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 1 app.ui.subscribe_wish Abone oldum
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 1 app.ui.reserved_rights Tüm haklar saklıdır.
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 1 app.ui.terms_of_use Kullanım Şartları
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 1 app.ui.privacy_policy Gizlilik politikası
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 1 app.ui.desktop_version Desktop varyant
tr@acme-bootstrap-child-theme tr messages 1 app.ui.mobile_version Mobil varyant

Missing 0

These messages are not available for the given locale and cannot be found in the fallback locales. Add them to the translation catalogue to avoid Symfony outputting untranslated contents.

There are no messages of this category.